Data Management System

UI Design + | UX Design + | Frontend Development + | Usability + | Creative Direction + | Design Management + | HTML/CSS + | Responsive Design + | jQuery + | Personas + | Customer Journey Mapping + | SVG + | Email Campaigns + | Logo +

This robust data management system provides insightful and customizable reporting to quickly identify actionable solutions.

Designed with Professional Research Consultants.


Proof of Concept
Widgets click through to full report.
High-level information provides custom summary vs. jumping between several reports.

Custom Dashboard

Hover for Speak UX

Consistent use of template reinforces learned toolsets.

Trended Scores view

Hover for Speak UX

Dragging scroller handles zooms the graph for more details.
Bars can be grouped for meaningful distributions of related data.

Comparing Scores view

Hover for Speak UX

Donut represents the average of the bars.

Survery Questions Grouped into Dimensions view

Hover for Speak UX

Users see the calculation rather than having to memorize it.

Government Initiative Calculator view

Hover for Speak UX

Users see how the system manipulates the numbers.

Government Initiative Calculator view

Hover for Speak UX


User Research

User Research & Personas

Customer Journey Map

Paper Prototype User Testing

Interactive Wireframe User Testing

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